3 Benefits I Gained From Meditation | Fit You!

Along with yoga, I’ve also started a meditation practice. I started one before through a free subscription online with Deepak Chopra. At the time, it just was not working for me.

My mind would be everywhere but in that moment, and I was unable to sit still for the time required to complete the assigned meditation sessions. I mean, the longest one was probably around 10 minutes. But I could not do it. I found everything else I absolutely needed to do, while listening to the guided meditation. If only I knew what I know now!

Since practicing meditation regularly, I am realizing so much about myself. I promise you, all the hype is not hype. It’s true. There are so many benefits to sitting for a short amount of time and just being present with yourself. It’s like that moment when everything around you starts to go crazy, and you pause to regain your composure. That exact moment when you stop to breathe, gather yourself, and tackle the challenge ahead. Meditation is like an extended version of those moments. I’m telling you, it’s awesome

Meditation has helped me:

  1. Reduce Stress/Anxiety

    Meditation has increased my mindfulness of the things that really matter. There are times when so much is demanded of me from others. But once I take that time to be present with myself, and I feel fulfilled through meditation, I’m able to check back in and tackle that never-ending task list.

  2. Increase Gratitude

    As stated above, meditation helps me see what really matters. It helps me put things into perspective. I’m learning to appreciate the small things, including things about myself. I’m learning to appreciate my body and its abilities. I appreciate my family and my loved ones more. I appreciate when someone makes me feel valued and loved. I appreciate being able to return it, genuinely. What’s life without love?! Bonus benefit: it’s improved my interpersonal relationships.

  3. Know Myself Better

    My inner self, that is. I can recognize the reactions my body has when I’m happy, angry, sad, excited. I’m able to tune in and realize when my body’s being over stimulated. By recognizing the different physiological reactions, I’m able to counteract them with deep breathing, thinking happy thoughts, and even meditating on a bible verse. I’m also able to appreciate the physiological effects of those good emotions. Meditation has helped me tune in to myself.

Some other benefits of meditation include improved concentration, reduced blood pressure and increased happiness. Ok folks! There’s an exhaustive list of benefits that vary from person to person. Try it. There are guided meditations on Youtube, and there’s also “an app for that”. You might feel a little weird at first. But the benefits are worth it. Even with just 2 minutes a day. It can change your life!

Here’s to being mentally fit.

Has anyone tried meditation? How has it helped you?

Dr. Ly

I started my career studying Health Science at the University of Florida, where I earned my B.S. degree. I then continued my education earning my Dr. Of Physical Therapy degree from Florida International University. I currently work in an outpatient orthopedic clinical setting, and I also manage my own home health caseload. I am a wife, a youth leader at my church, and I enjoy promoting all things health, fitness, and personal development!

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